I am reluctant to comment on Christian perspectives, because I think it's up to Christians to critique themselves. I believe in Jesus the same as evangelicals do; but I no longer believe in the Bible the same as evangelicals do. It seems to me that the Bible is simply the attempt of men who had dynamic relationships with God to record their experience for the benefit of others -- and that's more than fine; it's a great and generous thing to do. But turning it into a code for acceptable religious experience is something else.
It has long seemed to me that being transgender -- which is an article of faith, not fact -- can be easily explained as a consequence of the Fall. It seems clear to me that man is not meant for his sex and gender to diverge; it's not exactly useful. The same can be said for sex and sexuality. But lots of things aren't the way they were meant to be; and all of them can be attributed to the Fall.
That doesn't mean someone who suffers from gender divergence, or sexuality divergence, is at fault, anymore than someone who suffers from congenital diabetes or spina bifida is at fault.
How Christians deal with this situation is up to them. I assume prayer is involved: a lifestyle of prayer. It's almost as if being gender divergent or sexuality divergent were its own calling to a special sort of spirituality. I'd like to hear about the results of that approach.