I hope this helps.
In my experience, there is a difference between religion and knowing Jesus. There are lots of people who are very religious but who aren't particularly intimate with Jesus, and at the same time there are some people who are intimate with Jesus who don't know a damn thing about religion. Once you understand that, you're a long way toward understanding how things really are.
I don't mean to say that people who are full on-board with a religious structure are phony; that's obviously not true. Some of the most insprirational Christians have been Roman Catholics. Regardless of what you may think of their theology, they loved God. If you read their writings, it's obvious. In the end, it's not about how right we are, but rather about how right God is -- and I don't mean the theology of God, any teachings about Him. I mean God, Himself, irrespective of dogma -- for dogma, as a creation of man, must necessarily be imperfect.
In the New Testament book of Romans, St. Paul speaks of pagans who encounter God in the world around them. Isn't this obvious? And, if a man or woman encounters God this way, and loves Him, is it really necessary that he or she knows the right Name for Him? Do you imagine He is that petty?
That probably doesn't impact your life. If you know Jesus, then you know all you need to know -- not for your salvation, but for His sake; because, if you let yourself love Him, you won't care where you end up, because you'll know that He is everything, and that you need not concern yourself with yourself, because He has you well in hand.
Being with Jesus is a far cry from what many people will tell you. Know Him; love Him. There is nothing else.