I think the hard part of living as a trans person in this environment is the inevitability of unjust suffering.
My point of view is not popular; but bear with me. For several years, the trans activists have been treating American society as though they were the US cavalry invading the Indian frontier, killing and laying waste to the land without ever questioning the righteousness of their cause. The problem is, their cause wasn't completely righteous; and, when that reality caught up with them, it produced the over-reaction we are experiencing now.
This is the social/political situation we face now. The trans activists laid the fire, and the Right have struck the match. As usual in human history, the innocent (us) get caught in the middle.
The job of any parent of a trans child is to protect your child, whatever the cost. I am not so credulous as to believe that any child who expresses gender confusion is necessarily trans; but, as a loving parent, there comes a time when you just *know* that your child is serious and there is nothing you can say or do to change things. What do you do then?
I am not a parent; but, it seems to me, such a parent should not look to existing political or social structures to save their child. There are reasons for this, and I can go into them; but I don't want to segue too far from the main point. SAVE YOUR CHILD. The Right adopts this philosophy with regard to school choice; and you should adopt it with regard to your child's freedom to BE.
There is nothing so important as your child's well-being. If you value your career more than your child's welfare, you suck. YOU SUCK. You have not greater responsibility, task or joy than guiding a helpless, innocent child into the world. I don't care how much money you make; your child's welfare can't be measured in dollars, cents and stock options.
I want to reiterate here that this is not primarily a political fight. This is not about standing up for what you believe or what's right; this is about the survival of your child. Do whatever you have to do to protect and make way for your child. This is the most important thing you will do in this life; your child is your *magnum opus,* and the sooner you realize it, the happier I think you'll be.