I want to be humble here, and kind. That is my intention.
Like billions of people living on this earth, you are confusing religion with reality.
Religion is a reflection of men's experience of God; it is not the experience itself. Whenever you try to reduce encounter with God to the limitations of rational consciousness, you ... well, you screw up. I hope that's obvious.
If your right eye (religion) offends you, throw it out. Go beyond religion; God is real. Encounter God; find out what He wants of you, and do that. Theology is a playground for people obsessed with their own minds; God is real. There are so many anecdotes making this clear. Personal experience is superior to dry textual authority! There are people who have encountered God; find them, listen to them, and throw away the rest, if it doesn't help you.
The real battle in life is not between religions. It's between faith, hope and love vs. despair. When you post, ask yourself, "Which am I promoting?" That will tell you whether you are speaking for good or evil.