I've stopped most commenting on this subject, because our adversaries have closed their ears to us. They have their truth and their mission, and they are on the march.
They have misframed the transgender phenomenon; but at this point they don't care. It's possible to address their concerns, but they don't want their concerns addressed. They want to wipe us from the public consciousness.
I believe we'll prevail in the courts, but it may take considerable time; and, in the meantime, there will be a lot of pain and suffering. People should do all they can to flee the Hate States. I hear people say that they can't flee; but they don't understand the gravity of the situation. If a raging fire were approaching, on the way to consuming them, they'd flee. They'd say, "To hell with my stuff, my job, etc.," and they'd flee. They just don't believe it can get that bad. They don't understand their adversaries. This horror has only begun.
You have to get into the minds of people like DeSantis, Paxton and others. This is nothing less than holy war, and you don't fight religious zeal. You run from it, if you want to live.