Kay, you are a light in the darkness here. That isn't praise of you, per se, as much as your willingness to let light shine through you.
There are so few lightworkers evident in the world. I know they're around; I ran into one just the other day -- the first in living memory. When it happens, you know; it's unmistakable.
Social media is an absolute wasteland. If things go as I expect, your presence in the minds of others may simply shrivel away, as other concerns take precedence in their minds -- particularly next year, since economic contingencies and survival are going to become much more significant than they traditionally have been.
Every once in a while, I have run into a trans woman who has exhibited such sweetness of spirit, such fundamental goodness, that she stands head-and-shoulders above the rest. You're on that list. That's not really praise of you, so much as praise of the One who speaks through you, albeit your willingness to let Them speak.
It is rare to encounter goodness online. Please take my testimony that you are an expression of that goodness. If the world goes to hell, as it may next year, please keep that close to your heart -- not to make much of you, but as assurance that goodness is able to speak through you. Be open, and let it speak.
I'm so glad I ran across your posts. Blessed Be.