"Let me begin this section by vehemently rebuking immoral uses of hell. Hell is NEVER to be used as a weapon of fear to beat young kids into submission or into getting a confession of faith."
If you're sane, believing in the sort of hell you describe can never be anything else.
"Hell Satisfies Our Inward Sense of a Need for Justice in the World"
I thought it was God's need for justice that was determinative. It was man's need for justice that sought Christ's crucifixion in the first place.
The conventional Roman Catholic and evangelical view of hell was a minority view for the first several centuries of the church's existence. Furthermore, the Greek used to refer to the duration of suffering in hell is open to multiple interpretations. Finally, "eternal" doesn't necessarily refer to infinite time; it can also refer to infinite quality, as in "eternal life." This is an important distinction when speaking of a timeless existence, whether in heaven or in hell.