Move Over, Sauron
American trans women and parents of gender divergent children are probably more familiar than the man in the street with the difference between the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), a professional medical association that has been around awhile, and the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds), which is considered a reactionary conservative organization devoted to discrediting gender divergence in children. Parents of children afflicted with gender divergence probably look to the AAP as the voice of medical reason and refuge for their families under siege.
I am a trans woman, and I have shared these views; but something has come to my attention that is so thoroughly depraved, so completely evil, that I cannot ignore it. I just learned of a 2016 article put out by the AAP effectively trashing breastfeeding: “Unintended Consequences of Invoking the ‘Natural’ in Breastfeeding Promotion.” Its basic thrust is that breastfeeding should not be promoted as “natural,” because doing so implies that it’s better than other ways to feed infants and thus stigmatizes the alternatives. Astute readers will note the similarity of approach to that used to discredit labels like “male,” “female,” “father,” “mother,” “man,” “woman,” etc.
When you read a document like this, it is vital that you read between the lines. People preaching depravity rarely come right out with it; they couch it in passive-aggressive and conditional terms. Rather than open a frontal assault on what they seek to destroy, they try to undermine your confidence in whatever-it-is, saying, “This could happen,” etc. They seduce you with mealymouthed language into a sort of vague miasma of doubt and hypnotic gullibility. It’s propaganda, it’s gaslighting, it’s corrupt and it’s evil.
The true purpose of an article like this one is unstated. Its real intention is to undermine and destroy confidence in breastfeeding, as well as nature itself — to chip away at one of the fundamental practices of the natural world. It is essentially negative, not positive, using doubt to deflate the balloon of love and joy — and antibodies — shared between a mother and her infant in the act of breastfeeding. Destroying this exercise in bonding is just one more way of destroying human lives and the will to live.
I have no words to describe just how evil this particular meme is. There are many signs that the government of the US and many of its historically trusted private institutions are, today, dare I say, demonic. At the very least, America today is controlled by people who have given themselves over completely to the Dark Side. It’s about more than mere greed or power; it’s about death.
One of the things rarely discussed openly is an idea that has been floating around the Davos/World Control crowd for a number of years now: drastic reduction of the world population, the figure of 500 million — one-sixteenth, roughly — of the world’s population being permitted to continue living. This necessarily requires elimination of nearly 95% of humanity in the quest for “sustainability,” which is merely a code word for the idyllic vision of its proponents. You can guess who won’t be part of the 95%, I’m sure.
If you want to kill off 15 out of 16 human beings, it’s best to do it indirectly: controlling food sources, strange new diseases, increasing economic hardship — and promoting anti-human practices, like discouraging breastfeeding.
One meme to rule them all, one meme to find them,
One meme to bring them all and in the darkness bind them,
In the land of Davos, where the shadows lie.