OMG, I can't believe you mentioned Dan Barker! Do you know him? Ask him about his membership in the Prometheus Society.
Christianity and Jesus are two different things. I am not a Christian, but I do believe in Jesus. I also worship a pagan goddess; so, do with that what you will! Obviously, I don't subscribe to traditional Christian doctrine; but I also know that Jesus is real, divine, and the Redeemer of the World. Plus, I don't think it matters whether you "believe" this or not; what's really important is how you treat your fellow man -- and not in an ethical sense, either. You need to love your enemies. I don't care what you "believe." Love is the summum bonum; and, if you don't get this, nothing else you do amounts to much.
Good luck to you! Reality is so much bigger than conventional religion. I hope you learn this for yourself.