Rep. Zephyr is indeed a heroine. And it has been my view that she should capitalize on this muzzling by (a) speaking to the press, every time she is prevented from speaking, and (b) pointing out that she is the representative of trans Montanans in more ways than one: that what they are doing to her is what they would like to do to all trans Montanans.
Gandhi said, "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." The hostility we are experiencing today is, in significant part, due to the excesses of trans activism; but it is also a sign of progress. And their over-compensation, their over-the-top hostility, will come back to haunt them.
As you said, familiarity is the key; and familiarity takes time. The impatience of the trans activists is a significant component of the current state of affairs; they should have been more perceptive, played the long game. I understand why they didn't; but they should have had better advice.