Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you get something out of my posts. Sometimes, they are simply riffs off the cuff, and I expect them to be received as the crazy rantings of a deranged man who thinks he's a woman.
You might enjoy checking out another Medium contributor who goes by "Simply Sophia." She is a trans woman, also, and was a practicing attorney as well as a Christian pastor -- a very interesting life.
I think you mentioned that you are an appellate lawyer. OMG. I'm one of those lawyers who should never have been one; it doesn't suit my personality at all. I should have been a teacher, I think, or a professional mediator. I have a warrior spirit, but I'm also non-confrontational. Seems paradoxical, I know; but really it's not. I just believe in defending the helpless, the defenseless. My most memorable moments as an attorney are those where I helped someone truly in need defend herself against people who would have trampled over her.
What about you? Are there moments in your career that you are especially proud of?