Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I know that many people would consider me a devil-worshiper. I try to not let it bother me. I struggle with St. Paul, because so much of his writings is brilliant, but there are times when … well, you know.
Have you ever encountered Spirit in such a way that all critical functions are suspended? Not because you think they should be, but because they no longer mattered? If not, then let me tell you that this is a singular grace; and you should ask for it, and fast if necessary. I will help, if I can; let me know. I have had this experience. I don’t know why I was blessed with it, when so many seem not to be; perhaps I simply don’t know their stories sufficiently well.
The thing about Christianity, and the Bible, is that, criticizing them for their pretensions is missing the point. It’s not that you’re doing them a disservice in so doing; you’re disservicing yourself. None of that matters! Are they wrong? Of course! But what about you? Are you ever wrong?
People come to God from where they are. Some people discover God in the context of some fundamentalist faith, and may get lost for 30 years in the details of that faith, not realizing that the faith they have expended so much of themselves defending is merely the medium for the Reality of God. Well, that’s their misfortune; but it does us no credit in flogging them for it. Their own behavior flogs them for it; we don’t need to help. It’s bettere to proclaim the truth rather than flog the imperfect – and what *is* the truth? God Himself is the Truth.
Isn’t it better to praise God, to glorify God, rather than argue over theological constructs? I think it is.
When I was growing up, I was given an image of God that terrified me, in the main; and this distorted my life in so many ways. It was only after finding the Divine in another context that I again felt love for the Christian God – and, believe me, that came as a shock. I did not expect that to happen.
I have learned to ask God – however you conceive of Him – to show Himself to me. Not because I deserve it, necessarily, but because I no longer trust the B.S. I’ve been force-fed.
I’m 66. I began life as an Evangelical, converted to Catholicism, got kicked out of the Catholic church – by Spirit; that’s another story – took a sharp left turn into Wicca, and then found Her again in the Hindu context. Don’t misunderstand me: if there were any way in the world I could be Roman Catholic again, I would be. But I can’t accept the dogma anymore. Nevertheless, I know from personal experience – transcendent experience – that God, the Divine, is alive and active in the Roman Catholic church. I am absolutely certain of it – absolutely.
The Christian I admire most in the world is St. Thérèse of Lisieux; she cuts to the chase, stripping everything down to its essentials. There is no greater representation of the best of Christianity, for me, save Christ Himself.