The issue of trans women participating in women's sports is being corrected at the State level; they are falling like dominos. The Biden administration has weighed in, trying to minimize the "damage"; but even it stopped short of a total prohibition of exclusion.
But this is a problem that should have been easy to fix.
The supposed right of trans women to be included as participants in women's sports is based on the proposition that they are women; and this is not proven fact, but a belief. It's a belief held by many trans women in an attempt to find meaning in their affliction. There's nothing wrong with having this belief; that's what beliefs are for.
But it's just a belief. Perhaps it's true, perhaps it isn't. But there's no proof, either way; and, therefore, there is no basis for a right to be included. For, in a free society, belief is not sufficient basis for law, public policy or civil rights. To allow them to be would be like treating a tenet of Islam or Roman Catholicism the same way.
If trans women demand inclusion on the basis of being women, the response is, "Prove it." End of discussion.