There are some transphobic influencers who, I think, are open to reason; they just haven't talked to the right people. I think Tucker Carlson is one; Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro are possibles. I say this because, if I had the chance to sit down and talk with them, I think I might change their views. I'm pretty sure I could change Carlson's, or at least open his mind a little wider.
There are also some who are not open to reason; and this list seems longer. Michael Knowles is one. But he can be taken down. The trick is to get him in front of an audience containing a healthy proportion of open-minded or fair-minded people, where you can take his thesis apart for others to see.
Knowles recently handed a grenade with his name on it to a trans woman, in public, and pulled the pin. He just didn't realize it. He was talking about it on his radio show last week. He asked a trans woman on a college campus if it was possible that she was wrong about being a woman. If he didn't have such a low opinion of his adversaries, he would not have asked that question. The trans woman didn't know how to handle it; but here's how the conversation should have gone:
MK: Is it possible that you could be wrong in thinking you're a woman?
Her: Of course. Anyone can be wrong, about anything. Is it possible that you could be wrong in thinking I'm not?
Knowles cannot answer this question without destroying his program. If he says, No, he is claiming to be infallible, omniscient; and this would eviscerate his credibility. But if he says, Yes, then his program to "eradicate transgenderism from public life" loses all moral authority. If he knows he could be wrong, then he has no moral grounds for preventing us from living as we see ourselves or receiving medical treatment.
I would love to watch his face when this question is tossed back at him. He would recognize his peril immediately.
If someone aware of this gets the chance to do so, in public, they should remind him of this interchange and then ask if he would like the question to be answered.
Matt Walsh can be handled as well, probably in public. I don't think Walsh is as smart as Knowles, and it makes it harder to reason with him.