You seem angry.
I think the whole "God speaks to me" thing is largely misfocused. God speaks primarily through the heart. There have been very few times in my life when I knew God was speaking to me. On the other hand, there have been thousands of times when I thought He might be speaking to me. It took me years to learn that it's not my responsibility to guess whether He is speaking to me or not.
I should say that I am not a Judeo-Christian practitioner. I do believe in Jesus; but I worship a Hindu goddess. I use the words "God" and "He" as a matter of convention; I don't think names or gender matter, intrinsically.
That doesn't mean the Bible is irrelevant. I treat it the way I treat any scripture: as a record of people's experience and understanding of God. That doesn't mean they're always right; it simply means, "This is our experience." YMMV.
It took me many years to learn to not listen for mental impressions, mental "voices." That was poison, the way religion is poison for many people. Religion is properly a floor: foundation for experience of and devotion to God; but many people treat it as a ceiling: our way or the highway [to Hell].
God is inescapable. He breathes everywhere in nature, and the human heart is drawn to Him. God is love; and my advice is to reject anything that purports to be of God that is not loving. Don't seek "God"; seek love -- by which I mean, seek to be loving.
Maybe that's the answer to anger.